Thursday, September 24, 2015


Jika kau berangan,
merajah tiap jengkal porinya,
Merasakan sela-sela jarimu di rambutnya yang hitam,
Yang membungkus pikiran-pikiran yang lebih keras dari tempurungnya.

Jika kau berandai,
Menantikan matahari terbit setiap pagi,
Dari kelopak matanya yang sedikit berkerut
Yang memancarkan Sinar kehidupan bagi hatimu.

Jika kau mencoba,
Memiliki hidupnya dengan kata-katamu,
Untuk dia yang tidak bertelinga.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Kata terucap doa
Seperti mantra seperti sloka

Mengapa kata disebut doa? 
Apa makna dari kata yang menjadi doa?
Apa beda dengan kata yang berbunyi dusta?
Apabila keluar dari mulut yang sama

Tidak semua manusia butuh doa
Tidak semua manusia sanggup menghadapinya

Manusia berbalas doa
Pun jua bertukar dosa
Mereka bilang apa lagi yang lebih bijak dari sepucuk doa
Untuk penghianat yang tercinta

Dekat dengan surga
Tidak terlalu jauh dari neraka

Apa kerjamu hanya berdoa?
Setelah seharian penuh bekerja?
Apa doamu adalah kerja?
Sehingga seolah-olah kau lakukan dengan suka?

Apa bedanya satu dengan seribu doa?
Apa samanya doa dengan dusta?

Jika hidupmu adalah fana


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Let it Swing

Earlier this morning, I had a chitchat with my best friend. It was simply started with my plan to visit her. But, ended with significant value that has been lived within me.

And here's the story..

We spent new year's eve in Amed, East Bali. It was kind of reunion of four of us. We went to Rinjani two years ago. They didn't know each other previously. It was a wonderful journey that I've ever experienced. Well, we'll get in there later. After a year and a half we hadn't met as a team, we decided to spend new year's eve together. It was a blast.

In the first morning of 2015, after we had a breakfast, we decided to go to a chocolate factory nearby. Charlie's Chocolate Factory. The hut is authentic. It's like a high wooden hobit's house faced to the sea with coconut trees surrounding. Moreover, the tree swing in front of the shore was ravishing. I couldn't resist.

We were so excited to swing. The swing was attached to tall coconut trees on a slope area. To take the swing we have to take steps to be standing on board and ask someone else to pull the swing to the board. When I was standing on that board, watching my friends pull it towards me, I felt terrified.

I put the swing behind my back, and whenever I set my feet of the board I'll be automatically swinging. My legs were shaking. Oh my God. My friends were shouting "Just swing! Let it swing! You can do it!" But, seriously, it was pretty high and there was no safety equipment. I might fall to the ground or accidentally slipped and hit the tree or even worse thrown to the sea.

I closed my eyes and I lifted my feet off the board.

I swung swiftly with my eyes closed. I was thinking, I just started my very first day of the year with smothering moment. What was I thinking. After the first swing, I started to scream and laugh. Then I begun to promise to myself about how I will go through this year, about how I will envisage my dream, my life.

The only thing that will make fall to the ground is taking my hands off my dream. The first time I saw my dream I was so enthusiast until I begin to touch it, until I risked everything to let me swing and experience it. Fears is like a monster that gnaw you from the inside. But, it didn't happen. The only thing I have to do is to be doubtless. The universe won't make the swing stuck in the middle, it'll swing through until it stopped by gravity. Yes, it might be breathtaking. Yes, the fears are still there. Yes, I have to risk my life and there's no safety gear, baby. No one will guarantee anything. But, I have to let it swing. 

And after that, I didn't own my dream. The dream owns me, and I live it up.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Kapel Tua

Sudut-sudut tua terasa lengang
Nada-nada gembira terasa sendu
Dan sedih
Ibu muda sibuk menjejalkan dot
Mulut putrinya tersumpal
Nada-nada pengantar tidur
Kapel tua bercat putih
Dengan pos satpam yang tidak pernah diperbaharui
Kapel tua bercat putih
Dengan pengunjung berambut putih


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Kata Kota

Kata mereka,
Senja hanya untuk cinta. Bukan untuk besi-besi panas yang menghasilkan duka. Bukan juga untuk kerutan di dahi para penyapu jalan. Bukan untuk biru cat tembok-tembok rumah sakit hunian para penderita kolesterol. Bukan untuk buku-buku bersampul plastik. Dan bukan juga untuk hak tinggi yang beradu di aspal keras.

Kata mereka,
Senja bukan untuk kita.
Senja bukan untuk kota.
